Saving A Life

This is not the end of the story, nor is it the beginning. It is somewhere in the middle of a tale; a tale that has had many ups and downs. Many good and bad decisions. We will start where we are, and in the future, we may go back to where it all began.
I am currently physically disabled and mentally depressed. I am 6'1" and currently weigh 523 pounds. Up until about four years ago, I lead a semi-normal life. I could stand and walk and work a normal job like anyone else. Then I was bitten by a spider on my leg, and since the wound would not heal was put on total bed rest for almost a year. This weakened my legs to the point I could barely stand. As months went by I grew stronger and was able to walk short distances. I even found love and got married. Then came the regression, I hurt my knee and lost all progress I can only stand a few seconds unassisted need a walk to walk at all, and am all but bedridden.
My depression stems from several places, but namely from the time when I was an EMT. I watched many lives be lost and there not be a thing that I or anyone else could do to save them. I see their faces in my sleep and question every decision I made.
I think that is enough background for now as this post is called "Saving a Life", I think it is time to talk about the plan for saving mine.
Although my body is weakened, it hasn't given up completely on me yet. That being said I intend to try to stand up several times in a day, do leg lifts with no weights while sitting on the edge of my bed. As well as, work out my upper body with a dumbbell to start rebuilding my core. My diet is being monitored by my family to help me. I am going to try to post my progress at least weekly. I will update my weight as soon as I can get another scale that can weigh me.
I think that is all for this post, feel free to post comments and suggestions.


  1. All right now everybody got to start somewhere. I see a start. Let’s keep it going. I’m going to be watching, hoping , praying, waiting. If you need help you can reach out to me. If I can help I will do my best to help you. All you have to do is ask.


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