Week 66
This was a fun week. This will be a short post as I am in pain and having trouble focusing.
Week was pretty good at the beginning. I was going up front. I was playing music with my wife. And just generally enjoying life. We had a small thanksgiving dinner with my wife, my friend, who cooked it all for us, and man it was tasty, and myself.
On Thursday evening as I stood up to go to my bedroom for the night, my knee twisted and shot pain up into my back. By the time I had made it to my room, my back had locked up, I was hobbling, and I was having trouble breathing because of the muscle spasms in my back.
I have spent the last two days in bed hurting. Yesterday I had difficulty breathing all day, because of my back spasms. Today, my back just hurts and I’m having difficulty sitting up, but my back isn’t spasming, so at least I can breathe. I’m hoping that by tomorrow or Monday I be able to get back on my feet and go up front.
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