Week 71

 I'm back. It has been a long few weeks, but hopefully I can keep myself on track this year and post once a week. This will be a broad strokes blog to catch up. I have been trying to get up front every day, I did have some bad days where back pain or a bad migraine kept me from getting up. I have an appointment with my doctor on Monday to try and address these issues. My wife and I have been trying to play a song live on Facebook daily. We took a week off for holidays, but hopefully we can get back to it next week. For the last week and a half or so, my eating habits have been changing drastically, eating smaller meals early that are healthier and a moderate dinner. I'm starting a new form of therapy next week to help with my PTSD symptoms and hopefully my nightmares. Can't think of anything else to update everyone on, so, I'll call this one done. As always feel free to comment below. 



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