Tuesday September 06, 2022 Backstory time

So how did I get here? About 10 years ago I got bit by a spider in my sleep. I’m thinking brown recluse because of the way it spread and the final damage it did. 

Being that I’m a redneck and hate hospitals, I had my girlfriend at time, also redneck, cut out the core then I showered bandaged it and went to work. 

A month passed the now ex is gone and I have a nice scab over the hole. At least I thought it was until I bumped in the shower and it fell off and puss ran out. 

I go to my Dr who sends me to a specialist. The surgeon orders pressure bandages so I to see a nurse three times a week. 

Wound keeps draining till I end up on bed rest and skin graphs this took over a year a left me weak. I worked my way up to a cane before my wife and I got married. 

I got so depressed about my inability to really take care of myself that I ended up spending a week in a psychiatric hospital. 

After about six months of being married I dislocated my right knee and I managed to pop it back in, but I think I gave up. I was so tired of my body betraying me that it was a downhill slide. 

Fast forward to this year and I realize if I don’t fight and get back up, I’ll die in this bed. That was unacceptable to me. So I called my doctor to get help moving again. 


Today I fought through my workout. My knee is swollen and painful, but I worked out. 

We just did intake today, my provider starts tomorrow. 

Please send prayers, comments or anything else you you think will be of help. Our medical fundraiser is still going on if you want to help I would appreciate it. 



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