03:00 a.m. Thoughts.
So, I lay here awake and contemplate my own situation. I’ve increased the amount of weight I’m using to work out. I’ve started streaming again, although I need to set a more constant schedule. We finally have a full time caregiver. And it looks like I may be starting physical therapy again soon. The physical seems to be coming together, yet I feel I am lacking in the spiritual realm.
I don’t read my Bible enough, or pray enough. I question myself as to why I neglect the most important part of my being? The only answer I can come up with is a lack of discipline.
Much like with the physical if I wasn’t to grow spiritually I must become disciplined. Any growth takes commitment and effort. It’s time to work out spiritually and commit fully to what I claim to believe. I need to set a schedule and stick to it. I know I will struggle at first but as I continue, I feel that it will become second nature, and I’ll begin to grow.
In other news, I fell last week and had to have EMS get me off the floor. I was pretty sore for most of the week. I also got caught up in a scam since the last post. I am playing catch up with bills. So, valuable lesson learned.
So the short version of my ramblings in I need to discipline myself and build a routine in all aspects of my life and balance myself.
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